We make full use of information both electronic and paper based in clinical and non-clinical decision making. We share best practice both inside and outside the group. We seek to improve data quality and encourage patents to participate in their own clinical treatment, their records and decisions which affect them.
We have developed and implemented a mobile app for patient information and monitoring the outcomes of our interventions.
All the patient related information is held centrally on PPM and all members of the group are registered with the information commissioner’s office and adhere fully to the GDPR guidelines
Information management
Safety is about systems to understand, monitor and minimise the risks to patients and staff and to learn from our mistakes. We have a no blame culture. Significant events are discussed as a forum during the governance meeting once a month.
We recognise that we have to monitor our strengths and weaknesses and we hold regular review meetings to discuss clinical and administrative significant events.
We have excellent communication across the Group. We hold regular meetings. We listen to the patients that we care for.
Risk assessment programmes are available in hospitals and clinical environment where we work to identify, manage and reduce risks. We have a high regard for health and safety ensuring we have a clean environment.
The key policies that minimise our risk to patients:
Maintaining patient confidentiality
Consenting as per national guidelines
Chaperone wherever appropriate
Adhering to Infection Control policies
Following Safeguarding guidance
Risk Management
The group uses a number of mechanisms to enable patients and other interested parties to be involved in identifying needs and making improvements these include:
Group Website
Developing and Implementing the mobile app for outcome scores
Patient reference Group/ patient participation groups
Patient Feedback/suggestions regularly reviewed
Complaints/Significant events are recorded, discussed and reflected upon
Openness/ Patient Experience
We undertake regular audits, record results and plan improvements. The clinical governance meeting is held each month.
We maintain an up to date knowledge of current developments and research and assess these against established and proven methods of working. We share expertise and opinion within the group and between clinicians to promote learning and discussion.
Within our professional practice, we discuss cases in multidisciplinary meetings held on a monthly basis.
All our members participate in regular clinical audit and governance meetings within our professional practice.
Clinical Audit
Patient care is guided by the best available evidence of effectiveness of treatments.
Local agreements between the CCG and primary health care providers are followed in order to streamline the patient experience.
The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) regularly brings out guidance and National Service Frameworks and we review our practice in light of these.
Clinical effectiveness
We continue with our own professional development aiming to improve our education and develop professionally which makes our own contribution more valuable and enables us to strive for the best.
Staff appraisal is important and is encouraged for the continuing professional and personal development of team members. The annual appraisals are maintained by each member of our team.
The Group supports the on-going development and education of doctors, medical students, paramedic practitioners and nurses. We engage in regular teaching and training sessions for all healthcare professionals.
All members keep themselves updated with mandatory courses run by the NHS.
Education and Training
We are a team of seven consultants providing care supported by a resourceful team. All consultants are experienced in their sub-specialty providing evidence based care.
Patient focus is about putting the patient first, and involving them in choices about their care.
We encourage team work across the group and we provide an open and equal working relationship with colleagues.
Team members recognise their role in providing high quality care for the benefit of our patients.
If we find an aspect in our group that needs improving, we seek to improve it, we share good practice and experience.
Patient confidentiality is respected at all times and we observe the Caldicott report recommendations with regard to patient identifiable information.
We do our best to demonstrate to our patients that we aim to provide high quality care in administration and clinical areas by keeping good records and following confidentiality guidelines.
The clinical records are maintained in the Private practice management (PPM) software by practice managers.
Human Resources

Clinical governance is “a system through which health care organisations are accountable for continuously improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care by creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care will flourish.”
What is Clinical Governance?
COG’s Clinical Governance Framework
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The Coriel Clinic, 138 Beckett Road, Doncaster DN2 4BA
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07946 396194
01302 238291
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Find us
The Coriel Clinic, 138 Beckett Road, Doncaster DN2 4BA
Call us
07946 396194
01302 238291