Get Painful Heel Treatment in Doncaster
Heel pain can have a significant impact on one’s quality of life. We will try to explore the causes of painful heel, symptoms, diagnosis and various ways to cope with this condition. Amongst the many bones in the foot, the heel bone is the largest. It is prone to overuse and injuries resulting in mild to disabling pain.
What are the causes of Painful Heel?
There are several causes of painful heel but to list a few, these are:
Plantar fasciitis: This is the most common cause for painful heel. It is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a thick band of tissue in the sole of foot.
Heel spurs: These can form around the heel bone. The spurs at the back of heel can be quiet troublesome.
Repetitive stress & strain: Excessive running, jogging and walking can predispose to stress injuries and inflammation.
Bursitis: Inflammation of the fluid sac at the back of the heel can lead to painful heel
Achilles tendonitis: The Achilles tendon attaches to the back of the heel and recurrent inflammation can lead to chronic pain in this region.
Foot structure: People with high arches sometimes are prone for painful heel while others, having flat feet can also have pain in the sole and arch of foot.
Medical causes: High uric acid and low vitamin D and other inflammatory conditions can predispose to heel pain too.
Referred pain: Pain around the heel can come from the lower back or nerves.

Symptoms of Painful heel
The common symptoms are early morning stiffness and pain. Pain can also be at the end of the day which is mainly activity related. The pain can remain constant and can get very chronic making it challenging to deal with.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Painful Heel in Doncaster
It is crucial to consult your doctor and a specialist to arrive at an accurate diagnosis and management plan. The specialist will take a detailed medical history, perform a physical examination, and order some investigations like x-rays and ultrasound scan before making a definitive management plan. The treatment of painful heel generally involves non-operative measures and this depends on the cause of painful heel.
Rest: You need to avoid activities that cause pain.
Ice: Inflammation may settle by the application of ice packs to the affected heel.
Footwear modification: Cushioning the insoles and proper support can ease of the discomfort.
Physiotherapy: This is beneficial for tight muscles at the back of the leg.
Orthotic insoles: These are beneficial for improving your foot alignment and can give good relief in symptoms.
Anti-inflammatory medications: For the relief of inflammation these medications can help, but please get in touch with your doctor.
Local injections: In some cases, corticosteroid injections are necessary.

Preventing and Coping with Painful heel
Painful heel can be very disabling.
You can cope with the condition by following certain strategies:
Avoid overexertion by avoiding repetitive activities
Take proper care of your feet by practising good foot hygiene. Soaking feet in warm water can help some symptoms.
Have a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet and regular exercises. Reducing body weight (speak to your doctor).
You may like to get in touch with other people suffering from similar conditions for emotional support and coping mechanisms.
Get Painful Heel Treatment in Doncaster
If you are experiencing pain in your heel that is not improving by simple measures, please get in touch with your doctor for help and onward referral to a specialist for proper evaluation and management.Book Treatment